3 understand the logical -


To effectively query the search tool, it is important to adequately use the logical links between the various key words identified in the concept plan. The main operators are represented in the following diagrams.


Logical AND operators (AND)

risks and oil


This operator is used to cross  concepts  between them.

  • AND is the default logical operator in a majority of search tools (like Google and Sofia), so there is no need to write it between search terms.
  • The more terms linked by AND, the lower the number of results.
  • The majority of search tools understand it in the form AND in capital letters.

 AttentionAlways read the tool's help to know its query language.


Logical OR operators (OR)

risk or oil.

This operator is used to link keywords  associated  with a single concept (synonyms, equivalent terms and translations)

  • The more terms linked by OR, the more documents identified.
  • The majority of search tools understand it in the OR form in capital letters.

AttentionAlways read the tool's help to know its query language.


Logical operators EXCEPT (NOT)

risks not oil.

This operator is used to exclude terms from the search.

  • Use it with caution so as not to exclude relevant results.
  • The majority of search tools understand it as NOT in capital letters.

AttentionAlways read the tool's help to know its query language.

With the role of operators now understood, the next step is to choose the search tool, making sure you know its particularities. This is what step 4 is about!